At the annual general meeting of East Williamston Community Council, Clr. Mrs. J. John (chair) gave the chairpersons address.

Clr. Mrs. John said that another year as chair of this council had ended with the welcome addition of new councillors Tracy Beynon and Doug McIntosh. Council had also had a change of clerk as Cheryl and her husband moved from the area to Neath to be closer to their family. Council now had a new clerk, Jon Everett, who had brought his experience at Penally Community Council to East Williamston.

The Jubilee Park and Nature Trail continued to be improved and well used and a group of the friends of park was being set-up. She thanked Ian Wilkinson for all his hard work. The other play areas, particular Pentlepoir, attracted visitors from outside our area. Colin Phillips was keeping both in excellent condition.

Although it had been a cold and wet winter, this area escaped the snow that fell everywhere else in Pembrokeshire and council did not have to make use of the grit boxes placed throughout the wards. In the same way as all community councils, East Williamston still had a number of on-going problems that they hoped would be resolved in the coming year.

During the last few months, council heard of the case to erect a wind turbine in the area, which was still ongoing.

The community council had been active in supporting Tenby Town Council and the local action group in fighting the proposed Health Board closure of Tenby Minor Injuries Unit.

County Councillor Jacob Williams continued to support the community council and voice their concerns with the various departments at County Hall.

Once again, Clr. Mrs. John expressed thanks to clerk Jon and all the councillors who dedicated their time and effort to East Williamston Community Council and gave her best wishes to Anthony for the coming year as the chair.

Election of Chairperson

Clr. Ratcliffe was proposed by Clr. Williams and seconded by Clr. D Beynon. There were no other nominations. Clr. Ratcliffe was duly elected.

Election of vice-chairperson: Clr. T. Beynon was proposed by Clr. Ratcliffe and seconded by Clr. John. There were no other nominations. Clr. T. Beynon was duly elected.

Re-appointment of clerk/RFO: Mr. Everett was duly reappointed.

Auditor: The current auditor - Mr. Bernard Scourfield was reselected.

At the May meeting, council discussed the following matters:

Matter Arising

Pot hole at Bush Pond: It was reported that the pothole was getting worse. Further, there were potholes at Highcroft and outside the Evening Star Farm that needed attention. PCC were to be contacted. The pothole at Templebar road had been done.


Suedois, Valley Road, Wooden - conversion of garage into holiday let, retrospective (this was discussed at length. It was felt that the council could not support the application due to lack of parking and it was felt that it was not a suitable property for such a conversion. It was resolved that the community council objected to planning application on the grounds that the premises was not suitable for dividing it such a way and that there was lack of sufficient on site parking and the roadway in this area could not support additional parking); land at Evening Star Farm, Pentlepoir - amended plans for erection of dwelling (council had previously discussed this and no objections had been raised. The main change appeared to be the removal of a garage to facilitate improved access/egress. There was concern that the footprint of the building may have changed slightly which would 'put it out of line' with others in the immediate facility. If this was only minor, there were no grounds for objection. Clerk to confirm).

ITC Matters

The clerk reported that he was sourcing a computer.

Play Area Reports

Pentlepoir: There were a few maintenance issues on the equipment. Clerk to address. It was also felt that a letter of thanks should be sent to the local resident who was regularly litter picking in the park.

Broadmoor. There had been no issues until recently when builders' bricks were found in the park. Human excrement had been found in the play area. Excrement had been found on the slide. The police had been contacted. It was believed that the persons responsible were known and the clerk was to liaise with the police.

East Williamston: There were some minor maintenance matters. Clerk to address.

County Councillor Jacob Williams' Report

County Councillor Jacob Williams gave the following report:

During an ecological survey, a rare and protected species - dormice - had been found in part of the planned works area for the Kingsmoor and Begelly sewerage system improvement scheme. The species had not previously been identified as present in the area, and the discovery meant that the work was unable to continue on the schedule as had been anticipated when the scheme was outlined in January. In contact with Welsh Water, Clr. Williams enquired as to whether the project might have to be altered, or just the way the contractors went about carrying it out. He was told that Welsh Water were working with Pembrokeshire County Council and Natural Resources Wales (previously known as the Environment Agency Wales) to see if the issue could be worked around, but that they were also looking at alternatives in case the preferred option was not viable.

Following a lengthy chain of correspondence and site meetings with council officers regarding the water logging of a residential garden adjacent to the former Pentlepoir CP School, a drainage investigation of the school car park was undertaken and a drain subsequently unblocked. A row of sandbags had also been placed along the boundary of the school car park to minimise any further potential water run-off into the garden.

The sunken manhole cover at the Pentlepoir end of Templebar Road had finally been re-seated by the council. The reason for the delay was that there had been some initial confusion over the ownership and responsibility of maintaining the manhole when Clr. Williams brought it to the attention of the area maintenance team some time ago. It had now been resolved and Clr. Williams would like to thank the council. A similar matter concerning a rattling manhole cover in Moreton had also been resolved, which the council passed on to BT to investigate. BT had now replaced it and thanks were extended as the noise was causing a nuisance to nearby residents.

The Saundersfoot Railway Station to Fountain Head junction pavement scheme had now been added onto the council's forward programme pool. There was no news to report on the engagement with the council over the Wooden-Moreton footway.

Reports from Councillors

It was reported that The Friends of Jubilee Park were holding a recruitment day on June 1.

It was reported that the bus shelter in Pentlepoir was being used a public urinal and was smelling badly. PCC to be contacted.

It was reported that a group of youngsters had carried out work on the Jubilee Park as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and it had been excellent. They would like to return.

It was reported that the road surface on Cold Inn Road was beginning to break up. PCC to be informed.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting was at 7.30 pm on Thursday, June 6.