Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service crews in Pembrokeshire will soon be joined by some very special helpers as they respond to incidents – a collection of handmade teddy bears with important roles to play!
The crew at Pembroke Dock Station has recently had a collection of teddy bears kindly donated by a local knitting group – and all to be given to children involved in incidents the crew attend.
A local knitting community group called ‘Knit and Natter’ have been busy making an array of colourful bears and dolls, each one with its own unique character. The purpose of the teddies is for them to be given to children involved in incidents, who may find the experience overwhelming and frightening.
The teddies that have been donated by the ‘Knit and Natter’ group will be divided in equal amounts to all Pembrokeshire stations, so each station will receive three teddies. They will be kept on the fire engines and distributed to children involved in incidents attended as and when they’re required.
Pembroke Dock Station Watch Manager, Phil Barry, said:
“The incidents we attend are so varied and, depending on the nature of the incident, can often be overwhelming for everyone involved as there is a lot happening very quickly. Incidents often occur unexpectedly and are unfamiliar experiences, we hope that small acts such as distributing these teddies can help alleviate any distress when possible.”
The Pembroke Dock Station Crew recently visited the knitting group to show their appreciation.

Phil added: “We are incredibly grateful to the ‘Knit and Natter’ group for their work in creating these teddies and this is yet another example of the continued support we receive from the communities we serve which is very much appreciated.”