I LOVE words and I find it fascinating to see how meanings can change over the years. Take ‘minister’ for example. I wonder how many of us know that this originally meant ‘a small man’ and was used in opposition to ‘magister’ which referred to ‘a big man’.

‘Marksman’ is another intriguing term. Most of us would be tempted to think it had something to do with bows and arrows or shotguns, but nothing could be further from the truth. ‘Marksman’, it seems originally signified a male who could not sign his name and therefore had to make his mark!

I would guess that most of us would know that the name January derives from Janus though. He was one of the oldest gods venerated in ancient Rome. Janus, who was the Roman god of transitions, is often depicted as having two faces, symbolising the ability to look backwards into the past year’s accomplishments and forwards into the unknown adventures yet to come.

It can prove helpful to remember those who impacted our lives for good so that we can thank them for example. It’s worth spending a little time reflecting on our failings and our shortcomings too. Thankfully Christians can look back to the most pivotal moment in history when Jesus died for our sins and came back to life again so that they can know they have been forgiven.

As for looking forward, Christians can do so with confidence knowing that whatever the state of the world or the personal pressures they will have to face they can trust that God is in control. Leaders come and go, even if they are called Trump and Putin, but Jesus’ followers know their future is secure. It’s for this reason they can work at making the world a better place because they know nothing they do for Him will prove a waste of time and effort.

That’s why I am delighted that the Evangelical Alliance is planning to survey the state of faith in Wales again. The first report, which was published in 2008 demonstrated the real, tangible difference that faith communities were making to Welsh society and received widespread support not least form the then First Minister Rhodri Morgan. It will be good to know the current state of play so that I can grasp every opportunity to show people that faith need not be a ‘pie in the sky delusion’ but can be a driving force for good and community enhancement.

Above all though I believe we need to do more than ‘look back’ or ‘look forward’; we need to ‘look up’ too. The prophet Isaiah made that very clear when he was trying to encourage a people whose whole world had been shattered.

Given the current state of our world and the UK society I believe we should take his words to heart. ‘Look up to the heavens’ he said, ‘and ask yourself who created a starry host so great that you can’t even begin to count them’. ‘And be assured’ he continued ‘God never grows tired or weary. On the contrary He strengthens the weary and empowers the weak. It seems to me that we would find it helpful to remember that wonderful truth at the beginning of every month and not just the one named after Janus.