At the most recent meeting of Whitland Town Council in December the following items were discussed.

The council were updated on progress with the taking over of the Whitland Abbey ruins site under a lease agreement.

The lease was undergoing its final review, and the format of a sign to indicate the exact location of the ruins was agreed.

The council also decided upon the cabinet for the new defibrillator that would be located on the wall of Red Kite Law, provided with the help of a generous donation from Whitland Male Voice Choir.

Training materials for the teaching of CPR had been received and this would be organised in the new year.

They were pleased that the toilet provision for Bryngwenllian play area was now in place.

The council was delighted that the Christmas lights ceremony and open air market had gone so well - Santa had been busy throughout greeting children, the tractor run had gone down well, and there had been many positive reports of the evening - even the rain held off until the very end!

The council expressed their thanks to the many individuals and businesses that had helped towards such a successful event.

They sent their congratulations to the winner of the Taf Hotel as the ‘best dressed business’ for 2018, and asked the clerk to remind people that the competition for the ‘best dressed house in Whitland’ was running throughout December - entrants need just send their photos to [email protected] .

Following on from this, the council heard that the official launch of Whitland as the Town of Culture for Carmarthenshire in 2019 would be on January 10.

The council hoped that this coming year would be able to highlight all the positive things in Whitland.

The council received and discussed the candidates for the vacant councillor positions, and were pleased to agree that they should be co-opted.

County Clr. Allen took the meeting briefly through her report, including the disabled parking bay provision.

No planning applications had been submitted for consideration.

Finally, it was agreed to consider the grass cutting tender and a council electrician tender process in the next meeting, as well as decide upon the council budget and precept in January.