One of Tenby Town Council’s objectives is to enable people to enjoy living in Tenby, and one good way to increase your feeling of wellbeing and happiness is to find a way to volunteer in the community in a way that you enjoy, and that fits the rest of your commitments.

Sometimes it can be quite hard to decide what you would enjoy doing, and to match this to the opportunities that are available.

This course is to help people do just that. You will find out about yourself – always enjoyable! – and match your interests, skills and opportunities with the many and various opportunities for volunteering that are available in and around Tenby.

If you or some one you know has wondered about volunteering and not quite known where to start, or not wanted to overcommit yourself without realising it, this is the course to do. Three 2-hour sessions will lead you through the process, informal and with plenty of opportunity to join in activities, and to have a chat to like minded people over tea and biscuits.

It is running twice, once on Thursday evenings and once on Saturdays, during September.

To find out more, contact Anne Draper, Community Engagement Officer at Tenby Town Council, The De Valence Pavilion, or on 01834 842730 or at [email protected].