Stuck on red. That’s what motorists using the A477 between Milton and Pembroke Dock have been saying as they encounter the roadworks at Nash Fingerpost junction.

The work began in May to make a ‘treacherous’ stretch of road in Pembrokeshire safer, with new traffic signals and street lighting set to be installed by September.

A string of accidents culminated in the tragedy last May when motorcyclist Ashley Rogers of Kilgetty lost his life at the ‘blackspot’.

Campaigners had long been calling for safety changes to the Nash Fingerpost Junction, petitioning the Senedd and the Highways Authorities to reconsider the layout of the busy junction.

But now the work is underway, the temporary traffic lights have been causing frustration, despite assurances that they would be manually controlled as necessary “to ensure the delays are minimised as much as possible.”

The A477 is a Trunk Road so it’s not the County Council but the Welsh Government’s Traffic Wales who is responsible for managing, maintaining and improving it.

The 18-week work schedule will continue until mid-September 2024, except for a short ‘Embargo’ break between August 22 to 27.

As a safety improvement scheme, it needs to be completed as soon as possible, say Traffic Wales. Working during the summer months the contractor can work for 12 hours a day.

Working overnight only, and clearing the works away for the day would delay completion, what with making the site safe and the repeated removal and setting up of the traffic management.

There are no diversions to bypass the roadworks. Temporary ‘Access Only’ signs have been installed at all local road junctions to try and prevent ‘rat running’. In most cases the alternatives are single-lane, winding lanes, however, and would only add to motorists’ frustration.

As for the long delays, Traffic Wales explains:

“Some issues were identified with the timings of temporary traffic signals. Following consultation with the contractor, improvements were implemented to mitigate the traffic build-up.”

If you encounter a problem, call 0300 123 1213 or visit to report it.