Minutes of the General Meeting of The Saundersfoot Community Council. This was a remote meeting held via the medium of Zoom, on February 4:


NP/20/0407/FUL: Coed-derw, St. Brides Hill, Saundersfoot - Demolition of existing garage/workshop, and other extensions. Modernisation of existing building and new two storey extension to form a change in use to provide Key worker accommodation (C3 class) which comprises, 18 No. self-contained studio rooms. The proposal provides 9 No. parking spaces at the front and rear of the property with one being a disabled space. There is also provision for six cycle stands at the rear.

A presentation was made by the two members of the public, advising the Council of all amendments to the original plans as submitted to the Planning Authority. Councillors were given the opportunity of asking any questions they had regarding this application and the new information presented.

Clr. Cleevely advised that Saundersfoot Community Council support this planning application after five councillors raised their hands in support.

NP/21/0022/FUL: Dale View, Sandy Hill Road, Saundersfoot - (The Community Council support this planning application).

NP/21/0021/FUL: Dale View, Sandy Hill Road, Saundersfoot - (The Community Council support this planning application with the consideration that the proposed works will tidy up this area and be an improvement to the existing building).

NP/20/0610/S73: Velfrey Cottage, Church Terrace, Saundersfoot - (The Community Council support this planning application with the consideration that this will be an essential addition to this development and Saundersfoot Community Council raised this as a concern at the initial planning application and site visit.

NP/20/0488/FUL: 12 Scandinavia Heights, Saundersfoot - (Support).

NP/21/0024/FUL: 27 Whitlow, Saundersfoot - (Support).

NP/21/0027/FUL: Newlands, Sandyhill Road, Saundersfoot (The Community Council support this planning application with the consideration that the proposed works are well presented and look appealing).

NP/20/0552/FUL: 10 Scandinavia Heights, Saundersfoot - (The Community Council support this planning application with the consideration that this this will now finish off the existing building and make very good use of the surrounding views).


• Email received regarding a further ‘rock fall’ along The Strand – Clr. Baker confirmed that he was in discussions with the relevant parties involved in rectifying.

• Notice circulated to all Councillors advising of on-line trainings being offered by One Voice Wales regarding Council Procedures

• Email requesting nominations for Community Governor at Stepaside School. No nominations for Stepaside School but Clr. Boughton Thomas nominated Clr. Saunders to be put forward for consideration as a Community Governor for Saundersfoot School; Clr. Upham seconded the proposal with all Councillors in full agreement. This was a nomination requested 2020 following Cllr Ludlow’s resignation.

• Email received from the Caring Association thanking the Saundersfoot Community Council for the kind donation.

• Notice from Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Planning Authority advising that planning application NP/20/049/FUL Sandy Hill Barn Conversion has been withdrawn.

• Notice received from the National Lottery Community Grant Fund confirming that the application, made by the Clerk for all-inclusive pay equipment, has been accepted and £9,230 has been awarded.

• Telephone call received regarding the location of picnic tables/benches to the side of the slipway leading to Saundersfoot Beach with the positioning of such is causing social distancing to be problematic. It was confirmed that this is the approved location.


To receive County Councillor Phil Baker’s Report:

• The 2021/22 Budget continues to be developed, an improved settlement from Welsh Government has reduced the shortfall to £11 million. A Budget Seminar and Cabinet meeting will provide an option/options of 5 per cent, 3.75 per cent and 3 per cent increases for the next financial year. This substantial shortfall will require all Departments to consider service levels.

• The Covid 19 pandemic sees the three main platforms continue at County Hall (mainly virtually) Gold Command, The Hub and Incident Management Centre all dealing with various aspects of County Life

Ward Matters - The low level lights in the long tunnel on the coast path have been reported to PCC and all SCC Members have been provided with a contact e-mail address to inform PCC of any issues in the tunnel.

Clr. Baker confirmed that at PCNPA Development Management the latest Apple Tree Gallery application had been approved and Coed Derw had been deferred.

• The first PC/Town and Community Council/PAVS/Planed meeting had been a great success with lessons learned from the on-going pandemic discussed. The Forum will continue to review communication and collaboration. Once again the North of the County was well represented.

• Clr. Baker wanted to record his thanks to Saundersfoot Medical Centre, Regency Hall and volunteers for the great success of the Covid 19 vaccination clinics. The use of SCC and PCNPA car-parks are key to the safe operation and movement of residents through the hall. SHC have also provided six overflow spaces at the harbour car-park for use if needed.


On behalf of the Sensory Garden Working Party: Clr. William BEM said that Mr. A Lewis has been given a two-week work schedule.

The area of land behind the Saundersfoot Community Council storage container has been cleared of all rubbish. Notice has been taken regarding the fly tipping which has occurred. If this continues the relevant Authorities will be notified and the appropriate action taken.

Following Mr. Lewis receiving phone calls during out of work hours from non-Members, it was requested that if any Councillors know of any tasks to be added to Mr Lewis’ work schedule they should contact the Clerk or Cllr Williams BEM

On behalf of the Play Park Task and Finish Group: Cllr Ludlow advised the Council that a meeting had taken place on the 21.01.2021 which Mr Neil Pigdon from Kompan had attended. Mr Pigdon confirmed that the playground works would take around four weeks from start to finish.

Clr. Baker confirmed that Pembrokeshire County Council will remove the old play equipment prior to works commencing.

Confirmation is still awaited from the Welsh Government regarding the approval for Saundersfoot Community Council to apply for the loan in the sum of £30,000.

The replacement fencing and all-inclusive gateways (2 No) will be discussed at the next meeting of the Play Park Task and Finish Group.

Once all finances are fully in place a site meeting (following all Government imposed restrictions) will be called.

On behalf of the Library Working Group: Clr. Upham reported that the provision for 2021/22 by PCC for the £12,000 precepted for the Library will cover staffing Costs (12hrs weekly - £10,786.24 for the year - the surplus £1,214 could be used to cover extra hours possibly); Volunteers may be able to increase the opening times of the Library; The Rent and Rates £6,410.00 will be covered by Pembrokeshire County Council.

Public Consultation: Pembrokeshire County Council will be able to help promote the Consultation and provide a PDF link on its Website and Facebook pages to the general public. They requested a statement from Saundersfoot Community Council Chairman to promote the consultation. However, they will only send consultation information directly to the library users who have given permission to receive communication.

Saundersfoot Community Council would then need to collate the information from the survey.


On Behalf of Wales in Bloom: Clr. Hayes BEM advised Councillors that correspondence had been received from Wales in Bloom requesting if Saundersfoot Community Council would like to enter the 2021 competition at a cost of £85.

The Clerk confirmed that the entry fee for 2020, due to the competition having to be cancelled owing to the Pandemic, had been refunded in full.

Clr. Cleevely proposed that Saundersfoot Community Council enter the Wales in Bloom Competition at a cost of £85; Clr. Boughton Thomas seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.


Play Park – Consideration regarding the future inspections of the proposed new play park: The schedule of inspections consists of - ten one monthly visual inspections with a tick sheet report; one half yearly inspection with written report; one full annual inspection with comprehensive written report.

Consideration was given to which inspecting party would be able to offer a program of works once inspections had taken place, ease of sourcing spare parts and the price of the inspections.

Clr. Sefton proposed that Saundersfoot Community Council use the installers of the play equipment for future inspections; Clr. Williams BEM seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.

CCTV– To consider the prices received to install CCTV equipment to cover the play park and MUGA areas: The Clerk confirmed to the Council that, despite numerous attempts to source a third estimate, it had not been possible.

It was agreed that the Clerk would contact another company and once a tender is received an Extraordinary Meeting will be called. (Post meeting note): The Clerk met a CCTV company on site and the equipment specification has been sent via email.

Grass Cutting Contract 2021 Onwards – To consider the amended grass cutting contract: All Councillors confirmed that they had received a copy of the Grass Cutting Contract prior to the meeting.

Clr. Williams BEM advised the Council that the following have been added to the tender document but would be paid for by income generated by the Cemeteries and not the Precept (the precept only being used to pay for the grass cutting): The stream to be cleared twice yearly; Certain hedges to be cut twice yearly; All the new cemetery to be cut every fortnight.

Clr. Williams BEM proposed that the Saundersfoot community Council accept the Contract, as presented, and offer a five year contract with a review after three years; Clr. Ludlow seconded the proposal with all Cllr’s in full agreement.

The Clerk to make to appropriate arrangements and the Tenders will be considered at the March 2021 meeting.

Saundersfoot 2020/2021 Library Agreement - To Consider the reply from One Voice Wales regarding the Library Agreement 2020/2021: The Clerk advised the Council that clarification had been sought from One Voice Wales regarding the Agreement entered into with Pembrokeshire County Council (March 2020) to provide a Library service in Saundersfoot at a cost of £13,600 from April 2020 to March 2021 and the fact that due to the unprecedented situation, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a full library service was not able to be offered, are Saundersfoot Community Council committed to paying for such service not able to be provided.

Clr. Baker was concerned that the “cart had been put before the horse” in this matter and the Community Council should have discussed this before referral to One Voice Wales.

The advice received stated that as ‘the agreement is specific in relation to the amounts to be paid in relation to the agreed service to be provided. It would normally follow therefore that the Community Council would only be responsible for contributing to the costs relating to the actual provision of the said services’.

It was suggested by One Voice Wales that the Community Council consider writing to the relevant Director in the County Council requesting a review of this year’s charges based on the impact of the unforeseen pandemic and consider the response accordingly.’

It was brought to the Clerk’s attention that One Voice Wales was not provided with all of the relevant information which had been received from Pembrokeshire County Council during an exchange of emails with Cllr Baker in June and July 2020.

Clr. Cleevely proposed that the Clerk provide One Voice Wales with the email exchange which took place in July 2020, following which the Council will reconsider this agenda item; Clr. Williams BEM seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.

Clr. Baker Proposed that Saundersfoot Community Council also re-open meaningful communication with Pembrokeshire County Council regarding the Library Service offered to Saundersfoot in 2020/2021; Clr. Boughton Thomas seconded the proposal with all Cllrs in full agreement.