On Monday, president of the Ritary Club of Saundersfoot, Jean Watson, addressed a very full dining room at the Wiseman's Bridge where the guest speaker was Philip Evans CBE, chairman of Saundersfoot Harbour Commissioners. In addition, the club welcomed three other guests to the meeting, Alan Bowen, Michael Fuller and Roy Morgan.

Past president Peter Williams introduced Philip Evans as the guest speaker and explained that Philip had at one time been chairman of the Wales Tourist Board.

Philip gave a fascinating talk on the full history of Saundersfoot Harbour, commencing with the passing of an Act of Parliament in 1829 to facilitate the construction of the harbour which was completed in 1834, through to the latest legislative change with the passing of the New Harbour Order in 2011.

As well as the historical perspective, Philip and some of the members recalled swimming in the harbour and sailing dinghies as young children, which undoubtedly created a strong feeling of the harbour being at the heart of the community.

Philip explained the work undertaken by the Harbour Commissioners since 2011 and their plans for the future, which are based on the strategy document they have produced called 'Sailing Ahead'.

Philip's passion for the harbour was infectious and his talk stimulated a lot of questions from the members who are keen to see the harbour prosper and continue to be a focal point for the community.

Past President Keith Leighfield proposed the vote of thanks and wished the Harbour Commissioners every success in the future.