Hundleton WI welcomed Mr Richard Wood who came along with his fiancée Chris and gave an interesting talk about rowing the Atlantic before enjoying a 'royal buffet'.

Richard showed film slides and explained the journey rowing across the Atlantic Ocean in 2004 which took him 101 days to complete.

A vote of thanks was given by Sandra Thompson.

The winners of the monthly competition, ‘Design a Poster’ to advertise the Coffee Morning were:- 1st Sandra Thompson; 2nd Margaret Luff; 3rd Jayne Smith.

The speaker kindly donated one of his books, ‘Naked Ambition’, to the winner of the competition.

WI Members Richard and Chris then enjoyed a ‘Royal Buffet’ to celebrate the King’s Coronation.

Hundleton WI Coronation Buffet
(Pic. supplied)

A Coffee Morning will be held at Pembroke Town Hall on Tuesday, June 13 from 10am to 12.30pm. There will be a cake stall, raffle, bric-a-brac and bottle stall. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday June 6 at Hundleton Church Hall, starting at 7pm. The guest speaker will be Kim Brickell giving a talk entitled ‘Inside Folly Farm’.