Resident parking spaces are required along a busy route into Tenby, to serve those living in the location, a county councillor has suggested.

Clr. Michael Williams, who represents the Tenby North ward, has written to Pembrokeshire County Council’s street care and parking services manager Marc Owen with a proposal to introduce a ‘residents parking’ scheme along The Maudlins.

Stating that the situation on what is one of the main routes in and out of Tenby had become ‘increasingly difficult’ - Clr. Williams has asked the Authority to investigate the feasibility of introducing residents parking along that stretch of road.

“The parking situation in The Maudlins area is becoming ever more difficult even when one considers the number of householders that have provided off-road parking at their properties,” explained Clr. Williams.

“I have been made away that there might be a demand for a ‘residents parking scheme’ and as a result of this I have asked PCC to facilitate a resident survey,” he added.