At the start of the December meeting of Penally Community Council, the clerk read out a letter received from Clr. Cavill which tendered his resignation from the council.

Clr. Rilstone proposed that the council refuse his resignation; Clr D’Arcy seconded the proposal, with all in full agreement.

Clr. Cavill explained his reasons for resigning, however, and the council accepted his resignation, requesting that he considered staying on the grounds committee. Mr. Cavill answered in the affirmative.

Consideration of the position for a new co-opted councillor: No further interest. The clerk advised the council that following the Christmas holiday, the relevant notices would be displayed and an advert placed in the local paper regarding co-opting councillors to the two empty seats on Penally Community Council.

Chairman’s Report

Clr. Bradbury thanked all councillors for their assistance in erecting the village Christmas tree and lights. He also thanked Rhys (Smart Gardens) for volunteering to assist. The tree will be taken down on Saturday, January 4. The clerk to advise Smart Gardens of such.

Matters Arising from the Minutes

Clr. Neal advised the council that no members of the public had contacted Clr. D’Arcy or himself regarding their offered assistance in applying for the new bus passes.



Greentop, 4 Kenystyle, Penally - Demolition of existing dwelling and garages and the direction of a new dwelling garages and car port. Following discussion and perusal of the application, the Ccouncil did not consider there to be any concerns or objections to this application. It was considered as a good use of the plot of land.

The clerk requested that the council consider the planning application appertaining to a parking space to the property known as 13 Strawberry Gardens. Following discussion and perusal of the application, the council did not consider there to be any concerns or objections to this application.

ReporT of County Clr. Jon Preston

Fly-tipping: Unfortunately, I have cause to report a number of instances of fly-tipping in the ward. Pembrokeshire County Council is committed to stamping out the illegal disposal of waste. Under the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 the penalty for fly-tipping/non-compliance can be a maximum of £50,000 and/or five years imprisonment. Each household in Pembrokeshire has a legal responsibility to dispose of its rubbish in the appropriate manner. If you have waste removed and it is consequently fly-tipped, you could be held responsible and fined. To find a registered waste carrier, contact Natural Recourses Wales. PCC will investigate each case and pursue with legal proceedings where cases have enough evidence. To report instances of fly-tipping either contact me or the PCC contact centre on 01437 764551.

I have received notice of some further issues with the new waste collection service. I understand there have been instances of missed collections with the bio waste (purple bags) which I have reported to PCC and discussed with the cabinet member for environmental services. The new service will be further scrutinised by the Services Overview Committee in the New Year which is a committee I sit on and will also be able to raise these issues there.

Faulty street lights: I have recently reported several street lights to PCC which have been identified as being faulty. For information, please note that if the light has a reflective band on the pole it is included in the part extinguishment programme. These lights are switched off between 12 midnight and 5.30 am.

If no band is evident, then the light must be considered as being faulty.

Planning matters: Following a request by council, I will be inviting the cabinet member for planning to meet with the community council early in the New Year. Clr. Jon Harvey was elected to PCC in 2017 and has recently been appointed this cabinet position due to his background in town planning.

Reports from Council


Clr. C. Bradbury on behalf of the Grounds Committee:

• Clr. Bradbury wished to thank Clr. Cavill for his hard work in erecting the benches and the picnic table on the village green. It is a great improvement to this area!

• Smart Gardens had completed the pressure washing of the paths. The council and the church were to pay half the costs each

• The gully clean and leaf collection would be completed ASAP.

• The benches being refurbished had been returned. Due to workload, the benches had not been repaired. Mr. Cavill advised the council that he would assess what was required, compare the repair cost to the cost of new and revert to the Grounds Committee with his findings.

• It had been noted that a section of trees and hedgerow had been crudely cut by persons unknown, leaving it in a hazardous state to persons walking past (not believed to be the landowner).

Clr. P. Brabury advised that, as he knew the landowner, he would make contact and discuss this matter further.



Pembrokeshire County Council - Local Development Plan update: The clerk advised the council that further information had been received from the Pembrokeshire County Council Local Development Plan (2) department advising that:-

The draft plans/deposit sites had been published within the documentation to be considered by the Cabinet and then Pembrokeshire County Council Committee. These sites were still able to be added to or removed from, then mid-January the consultation period would be opened for any new evidence (for or against). All candidate sites would be considered (sites could be added or removed from the mid-January list on the production of any new evidence why they should be added or removed). The final LDP2 would then be published following the consultation period.

Draft precept/budget for 2020/2021: The draft precept/budget was presented to the council for consideration. All headings were discussed. Clr. Rilstone proposed that the precept for 2020/2021 be requested at £14,000 (the same as the past year); Clr. C. Bradbury seconded the proposal, with all council in full agreement.

Replacement of the village notice boards: For clarity - the consideration of replacement did not relate to the village notice board, but the information boards placed on the village green under trees. It was agreed that these information boards required replacing. Clr. Neal advised the council that the Penally History Group, at their next meeting, would consider the information on these boards.

Consideration was to be given to an application for an Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant to assist with the payment of the replacement boards. This item has been diarised for January 2020.

Signing of the With Gratitude Book: Clr. Neal advised the council that a Book of Gratitude for David and Will who had served Penally village for 27 years in the village shop had been set up for persons to sign. Clr. Neal proposed that Clr. P. Bradbury signs the book on behalf of Penally Community Council; Clr. Willett seconded the proposal, with all council in full agreement. Cllr P Bradbury signed the book on behalf of the council.

Date of next meeting - January 8, 2020