Narberth is almost at bursting point, County Clr. Wynne Evans claimed this week. Attending a meeting of the town council on Tuesday night, Clr. Evans said that he would be 'minded' not to support any more planning developments for the town until improvements were made to the infrastructure. Clr. Evans said that the town was likely to have around 400 new properties in the next few years. He said he had recently been outvoted 14-1 for a development on land to the rear of Adams Drive. He had objected because the infrastructure was struggling to cope. He urged the town council to also object to further applications on these grounds. Mayor, Clr. Mrs. Sue Rees, said the town council had already been raising these concerns, but claimed they had been'ignored'. "We agreed there would be no more large developments until the infrastructure was resolved, but that was at least 10 years ago. "We don't mind these large developments coming as long as the infrastructure is thought out properly. The school is too small, but we knew that when it was built, and the parking situation is getting ridiculous," she continued. "Something terrible is going to happen if nothing is done. "As long as we are all singing from the same hymn sheet, that's what matters," said Clr. Colin Williams. "You will have my support throughout these planning matters," he told Clr. Evans. And Clr. Mrs. Sue Rees added: "We do try and if you had been here you would know that."
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