Johnston GP Surgery in Pembrokeshire has re-opened to the public today, Monday, 14 August following the completion of essential building work.
Jill Paterson, Hywel Dda University Health Board’s Director of Primary Care, Community and Long Term Care said: “Work to upgrade the building has now been completed, and we are delighted that the surgery will be reopening to patients.
“I would like to thank Johnston Surgery patients for their continued support for the Practice team. I know many patients have had to travel to Neyland Surgery for their care while the Practice building was temporarily closed.
“We appreciate your patience and understanding while this essential improvement work has taken place. The team across Neyland and Johnston Surgery is expanding, and we are looking forward to re-establishing services for the Johnston Practice community.
Johnston Surgery will be staffed daily, with a range of services being provided which will include GP appointments; chronic disease and treatment room clinics with Practice Nurses; blood tests; physiotherapy sessions; support to quit smoking and some mental health counselling sessions for young people.
Hywel Dda University Health Board took over management of Neyland and Johnston Surgery in November 2022.
In January, the Johnston Surgery was closed temporarily while the owners of the surgery building undertook essential building work.
The Practice, which is working as part of the South Pembrokeshire Cluster, has recruited new GPs to work across both Neyland and Johnston, plus a new Lead Nurse and new Practice Nurse. All new staff will be starting this summer.