A final agreement on funding for the removal of the Cleddau Bridge tolls is still not official, the latest update states.
A report to next week’s meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council cabinet says that there has been “late stage” verbal reference to the Welsh Government grant offer being reviewed after five years.
However, a the time of writing the report for the Monday meeting the “continued lack of a formal letter on this matter is of concern” and the tolls will remain in place until it is received.
The latest update adds that the grant offer from Welsh Government has been reduced to £3million, leaving the council £71,000 short of the “annualised lifecycle cost.”
Concerns about staff working at the toll bridge are also raised by the report for discussion next week, including a delay in issuing statutory notices to workers due to the lack of formal offer from Cardiff.
This is creating “an atmosphere of uncertainty, which is unhelpful for the staff involved.”
The proposed date for scrapping the tolls of March 31 still remains and costs to staff not properly notified within statutory time limits will be covered by the Welsh Government, adds the report.
A grant offer letter is still expected and to be valid from April 1.
Cabinet will meet on March 11, at 10am.