The Tenby Community Edible Garden has been awarded the Green Flag Community Award for 2024/25.

The Green Flag Award is all about connecting people with the very best parks and green spaces.

Wherever you see a Green Flag, you know you’re visiting an exceptional community managed place with the highest standards.

The Edible Garden, also known as the Gilroy Phillips Memorial Garden, has been looked after by volunteers since lockdown. They should all be very proud of the work they do to look after the garden for everyone to enjoy and get some vegetables or fruit from.

It is always open for people to come and enjoy, and anyone is welcome to come along and do a bit of gardening – there is always something to be done. It could be a bit of weeding, or watering, or picking up the litter that gets left in the garden, it all helps. There is a storage box at the back of the garden under the shelter behind the park bench with some useful things in it.

Anne Draper explains: “The outer bed is for shrubs and flowers for the wildlife, and the inner bed is for vegetables, fruit and other edible things for everyone and anyone to harvest. However, things just start growing all by themselves, so it is not all edible! But if you see a patch that has flowers (apart from the marigolds which are edible, but good for attracting insects) on it in the inner bed, please feel free to pull them out and plant some vegetables. And if you see some vegetables growing that are ready for harvesting, and you can use them, please do so; there is nothing worse than growing food that no-one eats.

“If you have donations of plants that are no use to you, that is great too, just leave things under the shelters at the back.”

“There will be an open day in the garden on Sunday July 21, 11-3pm, so everyone is welcome to come along to see and enjoy the garden. There will be food and hopefully some entertainment.”