Back by popular demand, a call has been issued to all teddies and their owners to a Teddy Bear Parachute Drop from the tower at St Marys Church, Begelly on Saturday July 16.
It has been a few years since St Mary’s Church had the last parachute drop, but teddies have been getting itchy feet to try parachuting from the tower again, so a very warm welcome is extended to all teddies/soft toys and their owners (young and not so young) to join in a fun afternoon.
Tea/coffee squash etc and cakes will be on sale in the church hall. Even if you haven’t got a teddy, you can still go along for tea, cake and friendship.
There will be three drops at pm, 3pm and 4pm and there will be a small prize for the owner of the teddy that lands nearest the target and a prize for the overall winner. All proceeds to church funds.