Neyland Ladies Choir has had a busy and successful summer term with varied choices of music.

Each performance was suitably adapted to the appropriate venue and audience by Musical Director Lynne Kelleher and Accompanist Miranda Davies.

In May, the ladies joined forces with the Pembroke & District Male Voice Choir for a concert in Pembroke to raise funds for Pembrokeshire First Responders. Then the choir hosted a concert at St Clement’s Church, Neyland on June 1, sharing the stage with Paul Sartori Choir. It was a full house concert, raising £600 for local hospice at home charity the Paul Sartori Foundation.

Three weeks later, the ladies travelled to St Davids to carry out a free midday concert before carrying on to Crug Glas where everyone enjoyed a lovely luncheon.

Final engagement of the term was a concert on July 6 at Neyland Community Hub when the gentlemen from Llangwm choir Wrong Direction joined in for a lighthearted evening’s entertainment. The performance raised £725 for the Roko 20 Academy - a charity founded by Neyland's Tracey Neale-Ferreira. Tracey was also able to match fund the amount by a further £400 through the Global Giving July Bonus Day scheme.

The photograph shows Sandra Western presenting a cheque from the concert to Tracey of Roko 20 Academy. Also, in the picture with the ladies is Neil Martin from Wrong Direction.

On Saturday, July 13, they joined in the fun at Neyland Carnival.

It has been a frantic term of learning new pieces and refreshing some old, well loved items - depending on the occasion. But the ladies have worked hard to do what they do best - bring music to the audiences across Pembrokeshire whilst raising funds for worthy charitable organisations.

The members of Neyland Ladies Choir have asked the Tenby Observer to convey their thanks to everyone who has supported them through the year.

Now the choristers are taking a well-earned rest for the summer, but they will be back in September and open to newcomers if any ladies are interested in joining this great organisation.