Officially opening school children’s hedgehog hotels was a first for local MP Stephen Crabb!

The Member of Parliament for Preseli Pembrokeshire visited Redhill Prep School and Montessori Nursery, Pembrokeshire to cut the ribbon and declare the pupil-created hedgehog hotels open.

Year 1 at the Haverfordwest school celebrated the grand opening of their hedgehog hotels on Friday, October 20 with the guest of honour.

The school’s Facebook page declared: “This was their ‘Great Work’ after learning about what comes out at night. All the children spoke superbly and did their teacher and school very proud.”

Mr Crabb said that the hotels had “amazing names” and seemed like really “cosy, snuggly places“ for the hedgehogs to come in and stay in at night.

“Well today has been a first for me…,” he added. The children have worked hard making lovely homes for visiting hedgehogs and I enjoyed being there to hear about all the learning they have done around these wonderful creatures!”

The MP also spent time with Year 3 who shared all the work they have been doing on trees and their important role in the world. The pupils made a superb case to plant more trees and to stop cutting so many down, answering Mr Crabb’s questions in great depth and with immense confidence.