MATTERS ARISING - The following matters were raised:
a) Minute 017/19a) The clerk to contact Mel Stephens of PCC regarding the relocation of the telegraph pole near Pinewood, Broadmoor.
b) Remind PCC about the depression in the road on the Templebar Road side of Bush Lane.
c) Clr. Mark Taylor agreed to put a hasp on the grit bin at Pentlepoir as it has been ripped off.
d) Report 8043224 streetlight outside of Meadowbank which is not working to PCC.
e) Minute 020/19: Correspondence from the EWC&H Association – confirm that they submitted an application for an Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant but had not heard back from PCC as yet.
The following planning applications were considered:
18/1199/PA: Alterations and extensions to Heathfield, Pentlepoir, SA69 9BH.
b) 18/1146/PA: Use of static caravan as Warden accommodation (in retrospect) at Myrtle Holiday Park, Broadmoor, SA68 0RW. c) 18/1199/PA: Alterations and extension to dwelling at Heathfield, Pentlepoir, SA69 9BH.
It was agreed to support the above planning applications.
East Williamston – The Annual Inspection Report had been received from PCC and after some discussion it was agreed to ask Adam Lewis (maintenance contractor) to do some of the High risk items at this time and look at the Medium risk items once they have been done. Cllr Ratcliffe advised that he could not use bottom gate to access the park as the ground was too wet. It was agreed that drainage work was required.
Broadmoor: Again it was agreed to ask Adam Lewis to do the High Risk items first.
Pentlepoir: Agreed that High Risk items be repaired first. Members were advised that adults had been seen standing on play equip with children. They had been asked to move but the Cllr received abuse.
The incorrect contact tel no for the clerk was on the playpark signs so it was agreed to ask the Sign Factory to make up a few vinyl stickers to go on playpark signs. The sign had been removed for the new number to be put on and then Adam to replace it. It was further agreed that Clr. C Hopkinson, Clr. G Soar and the Clerk would arrange to meet with Adam Lewis at each of the play parks as soon as possible to go through what needs doing first.
It was resolved that all high risk items at the playparks be repaired first.
That Cllrs Hopkinson and Soar and the clerk would meet with Adam Lewis to prioritise the works required.
An invitation to renew our subscription to One Voice Wales had been received at a cost of £295. It was agreed to renew and that the clerk would circulate the password for councillors to access the website.
It was agreed that Church Farm Landscapes’ quote be accepted and that this work will be carried out before the end of March.
Clr. J Williams reported on the PCC Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant giving the deadline for panel meetings for next few months. May 7, August 6 and November 5 were the last chance to apply with roll over money.
It was agreed that an application should be made before the roll over funds stopped and that possible projects be discussed at the April meeting. The clerk agreed to email the grant criteria to all councillors.
The following matters were raised:
The pothole at Pentlepoir bus stop has been inspected by PCC but not been repaired. There is one pothole outside the bus stop and one 20 yards down - ask PCC about this.
On Templebar Road the amount of litter in the hedgerows is huge - ask PCC to clear this please.
A request had been received by the Association from allotment holder to put bee hives over the fence into the bottom part of the park.
Expert advice had been obtained and it is recommended not to put hives on a public park as there are a lot of other hives in the area and there would be a risk to the public. It was agreed not to agree to this request.
The branches of the trees on Elveston Lane are too low - ask PCC to cut these back.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 4 at 7 pm.