Among matters discussed at the April meeting of East Williamston Community Council were the following:
Matters Arising
Welsh Mining Memorial: Following a discussion, it was agreed that in principle the community council supported this project and that the clerk would make further enquiries into what was being proposed and the cost.
Welsh Air Ambulance: Following a discussion, it was agreed that on this occasion the community council would support this vital organisation with a donation of £100 to assist it in its work which had impacted on many within Pembrokeshire and in this area.
Land at Evening Star Farm, Pentlepoir - erection of dwelling (no objections); 44, Vineyard Vale, Wooden - appeal (there was an appeal against the refusal by the county council to grant the application); land known as Strawberry Fields, Clayford Road - appeal (the new appeal in this matter was to be heard in Narberth on the June 4. The matter would be monitored).
Results of previous applications: Laverock, Templebar Road, Pentlepoir (granted).
ITC Matters
Broadband speeds update: The clerk reported that he had sent the letters as requested at the previous meeting. It was agreed that the main way of improving service at this time was for individuals to contact their providers and seek upgrades.
Website development: The clerk reported that a meeting had been arranged by the Pembrokeshire Clerks Group where a representative of the county council would discuss the money that this available for website development and how it can be accessed and used.
Town and Community Council Electronic Engagement: The county council were seeking to further extent the use of IT and electronic engagement in their work with town and community councils. The clerk had completed a survey in respect of this issue.
He reported that these developments and other recent problems had highlighted the need for the community council to purchase a new laptop. Following discussion where it was pointed out that the community council had previously had a laptop, it was agreed that a new laptop be purchased. The clerk was to progress the matter.
Play Area Reports
Pentlepoir - no immediate issues, but the linkage on the equipment would need general maintenance. There had also been an road traffic collision outside the park where a car egressing the area (a family having visited the park) had collided with another vehicle. Discussion took place on the road signage and speed. It was agreed that the county council be contacted regarding the matter.
Broadmoor - no issues except that the safer surface needs pressure washing. Clerk to deal.
East Williamston - no issues.
Correspondence Received
South East Pembrokeshire Community Health Council: Following a recent meeting held at New Hedges, SEPCHN had put together a letter in respect of the MIU closure and had sought support from community councils in allowing their names to be added to the letter. As it was time-constrained, the clerk had examined the letter and responded on behalf of the council allowing their name to be added. Council were happy with this.
County Councillor Jacob Williams' Report
County Councillor Jacob Williams gave the following report:
Fortnightly black bag collections: As a member of the county council's environment overview and scrutiny committee, Clr. Williams said that he was among only two councillors to vote against proposals to introduce fortnightly black bag collections, recommending the matter to be returned to in one year's time. The cabinet would shortly be considering the matter for final determination and it was likely to be implemented. If any residences had not yet received glass collection boxes, please could they contact either the county council or Clr. Williams.
Road surface dressing: Notification had been sent to Clr. Williams of the sections of road to be worked on as part of the council's 2013 surface dressing programme. In East Williamston, this included works along Devonshire Drive, Jeffreyston - Freestone, Cresselly School -Cresswell Quay. Works were expected to commence mid-May and the south county programme was set to run for a period of approximately three-four months.
Reports from Councillors
It was reported that the amount of litter along the roadsides at Templebar Road and the A478 from Wooden Hill through to the Railway Bridge was disgraceful. PCC to be informed.
It was reported that a large pothole was forming on the A478 opposite the entrance to Evening Star, Pentlepoir. PCC to be informed.
It was reported that a complaint had been received about the amount of chippings that had accumulated at the bottom of one of the inclines on Clayford Road. To be reported to PCC.
It was reported that complaints had been received about the state of a number of stiles and their surrounds between Kite Hill and East Williamston. The matter had been reported to PCC and they had stated they would deal with the issue. However nothing had been done. To be reported to PCC.
It was reported that the pothole at Crowded House was still an issue and the dip in Templebar road near Bush Lane needed attention again. To be reported to PCC.
There was a large pothole outside the entrance to Highcroft, East Williamston. To be reported to PCC.
There were still problems with potholes and the road surface on Clayford Road near the junction with the A478. To be reported to PCC.
Problems were reoccurring at the junction of Templebar Road and Bush Pond with subsidence around a manhole cover. To be reported to PCC.
It was reported that the tractor which the community council had recently sold had broken down again and had not worked for more than half-an-hour since was sold. The chair agreed that this was a matter of urgency and allowed discussion on the matter and a decision to be made. As a sign of good faith, the council decided to reimburse the purchaser the cost of the tractor and to examine other ways of disposing of the tractor to offset the cost of the new tractor.
It was reported that the street light outside the entrance to Templebar Farm was on continuously. To be reported to PCC.