At the October meeting of East Williamston Community Council, held at East Williamston Community Hall, the following matters were discussed:
Hywel Dda Health Board proposals: Clr. Williams recently attended the Hywel Dda consultation meeting at the Queen's Hall, Narberth, arranged for representatives of all of the town and community councils across Pembrokeshire. Clr. John was unfortunately unable to attend as expected. A full discussion on the questions in the consultation questionnaire was held. The response to each question was agreed and the clerk was to submit the community council's views.
Grass cutting contract: A brief discussion was held on the matter and it was agreed that the clerk would circulate the current contract and a full discussion would be held at the next meeting.
Reports on signage at play areas: Reports were presented on the state of signs at each of the three play areas. It was agreed that there was a need to replace the current signs, which were in a poor state of repair and inaccurate in some cases. The actual size signs and wording would be looked at over the next month and agreed at the next meeting.
Framing of Pentlepoir School sign: Council agreed on the cost of the woodwork for the sign, but would wait for further quotations for the cost of electrics.
East Williamston Gardening Club, out of pocket expenses: Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that the community council would pay any reasonable expenses incurred by the club for work carried out on receipt of an invoice.
Footpath repair and drainage: A report was received on the work required. The college would carry out the work free and the cost of materials would be £720, inc VAT.
69, Vineyard Vale, Wooden, Saundersfoot - extension to dwelling (Following a discussion, it was agreed that there be no objections to the application, which was, according to the application, an annex to the existing dwelling. However, council felt it appropriate to ask for an undertaking that the annex would not be sold as a separate property, which had happened on similar applications in the past).
The clerk outlined the contents of a letter from county council planning in respect of the council being involved in the trial a new system of informing town and community councils of planning applications and returning any comments or observations on county council online. The community council had an IT system, along with the councillors all being on the internet, which would allow them to participate. Council agreed to be put forward as interested in being involved. The clerk would inform he county council. The letter also raised awareness that the expected response time from community councils was now 14 days and not 14 working days. This obviously may require additional meetings if contentious applications were received. The new system may help to alleviate this problem.
Play Area Reports
Pentlepoir - only issue was that the lid of the waste bin had become hard to open. The matter was to be sorted out.
Broadmoor - the gatepost had been replaced. There was a need for the grass to be cut, but this imminent.
East Williamston - no issues.
There was a brief discussion on a number of points. Training was required for a number of councillors so that they could help in the required monthly checks on the play areas. The clerk and Clr. Williams would arrange. A new litter was required - clerk to purchase. Bin liners were also required - Clr. Williams to arrange.
IT Matters
There was a brief discussion on broadband reception in the East Williamston ward. The standard of reception i.e. speed etc appeared to vary considerably. This was an issue that needed to be looked at further with a view to ensuring best possible service for all members of the community that the community council served. It was agreed that IT Matters be included as a standard item on the agenda so that such matters could be progressed.
Correspondence Received
The following items were discussed:
Pembrokeshire County Council - a letter was received seeking the council's feedback on the recent Ironman event. Council appreciated the request for feedback and it was agreed that it had been far better organised and that road closures/detours were far less. There had been far less disruption than previously. There was also concern of what appeared to be a failure in the Welsh/national press coverage of the event and it particular the almost total lack of television coverage of a major international sporting event. It was noted that a half-marathon event in Cardiff on the same day had received a significant amount of coverage.
Council received a request to support East Williamston in the Fields in Trust awards. This was an opportunity to put East Williamston in the national eye. Votes could be cast by accessing [email protected]">[email protected]
County Clr. Jacob Williams's Report
County Councillor Williams gave the following report: Ironman - Clr. Williams wished to congratulate the competitors, spectators, management, workers and volunteers who all played their part in making the recent Ironman such a success yet again. Already looking forward to next year's competition, he highlighted that it brought economic benefit to the East Williamston ward and beyond, as it brings with it a countywide demand for accommodation for spectators and competitors.
Approach to railway bridge, Station Road, Pentlepoir: In a follow up from last month's report, Clr. Williams had been in close contact with the council to investigate what can be done to improve road safety for drivers, walkers and property owners at the section of Station Road, Pentlepoir, leading up to and under the railway bridge. Both the council's traffic manager and traffic engineer had conducted site visits and, as a result, drafted a new signage proposal. Whilst Clr. Williams was happy to give the proposals his blessing, he agreed with residents that this was only a start and would have limited effect. He had sought a reassurance that after the new signage has been implemented, the council would closely monitor the situation and draft physical proposals to reduce the speed of traffic approaching the bend and negotiating the bridge.
Dog fouling: Clr. Williams had been sent a letter from the council's public protection department requesting him to identify any problem areas for dog fouling in his electoral division, to assist the dog wardens and council officers. The letter also stated that 'any support from the community through evidence gathering to assist with tackling such issues is welcomed by the council'.
Items of Business Submitted by Members
The construction of an entrance in the churchyard and use of part of the burial ground for an overflow car park for both the church and the Village Hall was discussed. This was to seek in principle the community council's permission for access over part of the Village Green to allow planning for the work to progress. The council agreed in principle to the use of the Village Green.
Reports from Councillors
A report was received regarding the ash trees overhanging the main highway in Millford Close. Clr. Williams reported that the county council had written to the persons with responsibility for these trees to take appropriate action.
A report was received that the annual cut on East Williamston common land had revealed that someone had been and was continuing to fly tip garden rubbish on the common land. The matter had been noted and the person responsible identified. Appropriate action is to be taken.
V. Roberts, of the West Wales Energy Group, had been in contact and would like to update the council on community wind turbine project. It was agreed that they could address the next meeting.
Report received that Western Power had been had been laying new mains cable in Pentlepoir: This had meant digging up the pavement. The work had been carried out well, but concern had been expressed that some of the new tarmac had not appeared to have been sealed properly. This could cause problems later. The clerk was to contact Western Power.
Report received that the drains between Sycamore Cottage and the church and by the access to Sycamore Cottage, East Williamston, required clearing. The clerk was to contact the county council.
Report received that parts of Elverston Lane was beginning to subside. The clerk was to contact the county council.
Report received that the road surface outside Crowded House is in poor condition. The clerk was to contact the county council.
Report received that vehicles using Ford Lane were obviously going up onto the soft verge creating deep ruts. The county council was to be contacted and asked about a warning sign.
The next meeting was at 7.30 pm on Thursday, November 1.