The chairman of Amroth Community Council along with the local county councillor and clerk recently had a meeting at County Hall to discuss the community’s concerns regarding the poor state of the Amroth sea defences, especially at the eastern New Inn end of the sea wall.

The meeting was with the head of infrastructure PCC; coastal defences engineer PCC, senior structural engineer PCC and cabinet member for fnfrastructure.

As background, a predicted flood risk map can be viewed on Natural Resources Wales website at

All councillors and electors are urged to study these maps of predicted sea and river flooding in the Amroth area.

Climate change and sea level rises are inevitable, Amroth and Amroth Castle are likely to be at risk in the next 30 - 60 years with consequent impacts on residential and business properties. There is unlikely to be any provision for the protection of business properties and only adaptive provision for domestic residences.

It is estimated that the Amroth sea defences would need to be raised by 2m to protect the village as it is known today, and Welsh Government have no plans to undertake this work.

At the meeting, the Amroth representatives asked several very pertinent questions about the costs of any remedial work and PCC agreed to produce costings in due course.

When these costings are available, a public meeting will be arranged, at which PCC officials will outline the issues involved, the projected costings and the likelihood of any work taking place.

The repairs to the sea wall in the winter of 2014-15 cost in the region of £6-900,000 and were partially funded by WG.

The long-term position in Amroth (40 - 100yrs) is that the sea will inevitably migrate inland and that this movement is unstoppable, with a consequent impact on residences, businesses, and tourism.

In summary, when further information is available, a public meeting will be arranged in Amroth (Summerhill) Village Hall, probably in the Spring.