President Marlene chaired the March meeting of Summerhill WI at Amroth Parish Hall, welcoming everyone including Frank Farrer who was there to demonstrate Tai chi for health and wellbeing.
With apologies noted and birthday greetings given to Wendy, thanks were given to members for their food bank donations and to Hilary for once again bringing a lovely vase of daffodils for the top table.
The St David’s Day coffee morning and ‘Lets Dance’ event had been an enjoyable morning and thanks were given to those who had attended and all who helped on the day.
The May visit to Grandiflora Gardens was discussed, with final details next month.
With no further business Frank gave a short talk and video presentation about the history of the exercise system and the health benefits to participants. All members, even those seated, managed to take part in a short session which proved very enjoyable.
Vote of thanks was given by Susan E before refreshments were served by Linnia and Kay and the raffle won by Marlene.
The next meeting will be at Amroth Parish Hall, Summerhill on Monday April 14 at 7pm when Rev’d Patricia Rogers will talk about Haverfordwest Street Pastors; hostesses to be Margaret J, Susan E and Marilyn.