Follow the Steps2Health walkers through May as they explore Tenby, Caldey, Stackpole, Carn Ingli and the Gwaun Valley.

The first Saturday of May brought some fabulous May Day weekend weather. The sun shone and the wind didn’t blow. The planned Speedies route through the Nabbs was impassible, because of fallen trees, so both groups did beach walks. Walking back across the South Beach on a fine sunny day gives you a picture postcard view of Tenby, an absolute joy.

May 11 was another lovely, sunny and warm morning when 31 walkers met up at Stackpole Court park.  Both groups set off in the same direction, taking the lower path past the Hidden Bridge along the lake side to the old boat house. The Speedies, led by Kym and backed by Brian, continued on to the  Eight Arch Bridge then Stackpole Quay.  The Steadies group, led by Chris supported by Donna, returned via the old estate outbuildings and woods.  Everyone was reunited for tea and snacks at the Cawdor Tea Rooms in the Stackpole Walled Garden. It was a lovely outing and enjoyed by all.

On Thursday 16, Brian led seven members on a club Nordic walk, starting at Sychpant picnic site in the Gwaun valley. It was a glorious, sunny morning as they climbed up to Carn Edward. They walked along the top to Mynydd Caregog, skirting Carn Ingli Common to Bedd Morris standing stone. After a picnic lunch, they returned via the deforested Plantation to the start. It was an energetic walk but the group really enjoyed the views, made all the better by the sunshine.

The club made their annual trip to Caldey on Saturday 18. The weather remained sunny with only the lightest of breezes, making for very smooth boat trips each way. There were plenty of guillemots sitting on the water, and one member claimed to have seen dolphins. Barbara, backed by Kym, led the Speedies on a full circuit of the island. Jane and Heather took the Steadies on a shorter route. Because of the recent wet weather, the paths hadn’t yet been cut, making the going quite hard. The glorious wild flowers on the clifftops more than rewarded the effort to see them. After a leisurely lunch at the island cafe, the club returned to Tenby in dribs and drabs. It was a delightful outing, much enjoyed by all.

Spring Bank Holiday Saturday was glorious for the 32 members who met up at Battery Gardens for a town walk. Once again, it was sunny with just a light breeze. All the walkers took the same route to the Norton where they then split up. The Steadies went down the zigzag to the beach, while the Speedies took the longer route via the Butts Field and Cardiac Steps.  Everyone met up at  First Point for a photo before returning to the Harbour for coffee. It was a truly delightful morning out, to round off a month of dry and sunny Saturday walks.