LOCAL walking group Steps2Health had to wait until the end of July for some proper summer weather in which to enjoy the Pembrokeshire countryside and coast, but that didn’t stop them getting out and about in Tenby, Saundersfoot and further afield.

Saturday July 7 was cool and dry, fine weather for a town walk, but not particularly summery. Barbara, backed by Kym, led the Speedies around the byways and back lanes of Tenby, avoiding the busy centre of the town. Chris and Jane led the Steadies around a shorter and slightly easier route. Despite their longer route, the Speedies caught up with the Steadies on the North Walk. The sun relented and came out for a while, making for a nice photo opportunity for the 30 walkers present. Most of the walkers ended up at a charity coffee morning at St Teilo’s church hall, where they bought a lot of cakes.

32 members turned up at Llysyfran on July 13 for a choice of lakeside walks. Like the previous week, the weather was dry and bright, fine for walking, but disappointingly cool. Kym, backed by Brian, set a brisk pace for the Speedies as they set off in an anti-clockwise direction around the lake. Chris, supported by Donna, set a more measured pace for the Steadies as they followed in their turn. As usual, it was wonderfully peaceful and tranquil heading toward the footbridge, but the chat flowed freely among the groups. The Steadies turned around first and retraced their steps to the visitor centre. Five minutes later, the Speedies also turned about, but never caught up with the Steadies before the end. Everyone enjoyed the fare on offer in the excellent cafe, before making their way home to the south of the county

On July 21, despite the dismal wet weather, 21 intrepid, all-weather walkers turned out for the walk from New Hedges Village Hall to Saundersfoot. The Speedies, led by Brian and Jane, took the route via Saundersfoot Bay Leisure Park and Swallow Tree Woods down to Glen Beach. The Steadies, guided by Kym and Marlene, followed the easier route via Broadfield Hill to the top of the Glen, then onwards to the beach. The tide was out, so both groups were able to walk across the beach to Saundersfoot Harbour. Once there they dispersed to search for shelter from the rain and welcome refreshment. Despite the weather the walkers enjoyed their morning out, after all it was only rain.

For the last walk of the month, on July 28, it was dry, bright and finally, a few degrees warmer. 35 cheery members turned up at Battery Gardens. Jane, supported by Barbara, led the Speedies through the town, then up Slippery Back and past the new cemetery. Taking in the terrific view over the town, they continued via the housing estates to the Green before finishing at Church House, for a charity coffee morning. Marlene, backed by Kym, led the larger Steadies group via the Green, Merlin’s Court, the North Walk and harbour to the coffee morning. Everyone was in high spirits, enjoying the views and better weather.