July has been a month full of events at St Andrew’s Church, Narberth, starting with the licensing service on Monday July 7 for the new Rector of the Benefice of the churches of Narberth, Templeton, Robeston Wathen, Minwear and, newly added, Ludchurch. 

The licensing of Rev’d Robert Moore was conducted by the Bishop of St Davids, the Rt Rev’d Dorrien Davies and was attended by a large congregation - the congregations of the five churches in the Benefice, members of the clergy of the Local Ministry Area of Narberth and Tenby along with representatives of other local churches. 

Also present were visitors from Rev’d Moore’s previous parishes in Carmarthen and Haverfordwest. A native of the Isle of Man, Rev’d Moore has been in Wales since qualifying at Lampeter University and members of his family were welcomed to the service in the Bishop’s address.

 At the end of the same week, Friday July 12, the church was delighted to host a concert by the very popular ladies’ choir, Serendipity, conducted by Juliet Rossiter which also featured solo performances by Martyn Davies.

To round off a busy month, the annual Summer Fête was held in the church on Saturday July 20 featuring stalls, raffles and teas. Unfortunately a very wet afternoon meant that there was no possibility of teddy bears doing parachute jumps from the church tower, although a few hopefuls turned up just in case.

Thanks are owed to all those who supported these events in a variety of ways - planning and preparing as well as attending and taking part.