SOME fascinating videos about water gardening were shown at the June meeting of Manorbier & District Gardening Club.

There were lots of tips and ideas about creating attractive ponds that are good for wildlife. 

The Club recently enjoyed an ‘Introduction to Bees’ walk at Skrinkle, led by Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Area Ranger Chris Taylor. 

They also paid a visit to Springfield Nursery, where Pat and Nick Bean gave a tour of the nursery and kindly hosted afternoon tea.

Dan from Grandiflora Plant and Garden Centre will be coming to the next meeting on July 18, 7.30pm at the Giraldus Centre in Manorbier, to demonstrate how to plant trees. Dan is kindly donating a tree to the Giraldus Centre and will offer advice on where and how to plant trees in your garden.

Everybody who is interested in gardens, nature and wildlife is welcome to this friendly local gardening club. You don't have to be a horticultural expert or even have a garden of your own! Entry for members is free and visitors are asked to pay just £3.

For further details, contact Maggie Chance on 07736749705 or email [email protected].