Club President Patrick Jones welcomed guest speaker Glyn Bryan to the most recent meeting of the Narberth and District Probus Club.

Glyn, from Laugharne, graduated in Rural Estate Management from the Royal Agricultural college, Cirencester and joined the Government Agricultural Development Advisory Service before moving on to join John Deere Tractors as a Public Relations Officer. This led to a career in journalism, lecturing and broadcasting on topics such as EU Institutions, agriculture and forestry. In 2019 he and his wife Jo returned to his parents’ house in Laugharne and he has since been involved in local charities and Laugharne Corporation.

In an interesting and informative talk, Glyn explained that the Laugharne Corporation has been in existence since 1291 when it was granted its charter by Marcher Lord Sir Guy de Brian. The only other surviving medieval one is in London. It has a Clerk (Recorder) a Deputy recorder, the Bailiff and four Petty Constables. The Corporation rents are collected by two Common Attorneys who are chosen from the Grand Jury. Originally a Municipal Authority it controlled the Township of Laugharne, it is now a registered Charity, administering the lands and property it owns.

The Corporation is comprised of several Burgesses or Freemen and its business is conducted at Court Leet and Court Baron Meetings, every fortnight at the Town Hall. The Corporation is headed by a Portreeve, Aldermen and the Grand Jury of Burgesses chosen annually and led by its Foreman. The funds accumulated by the Corporation are distributed to applicants who are deemed worthy of such donations grants after their applications have been scrutinised.

A vote of thanks was given by John Morris.