MEMBERS of Kilgetty WI were treated to a talk from Dilys Penney of Dilly’s Chocolates an Artisan chocolatier based in Newgale, invited to try a variety of chocolates from Dilly’s Indulgent and Exotic collections, which were much enjoyed!
Dilys gave a brief history of how she started making chocolate in 2018 and how it developed into the successful business it is now producing handmade chocolates combining flavours, textures and designs. Helen Knight warmly thanked Dilys for her very informative talk.
Sally Sayer won the raffle - a box of Dilly’s chocolates and Susan Pettigrew won the competition for unusual shaped chocolate.
Birthday wishes went to Min Pickney, Julie Jones, Lyn Lawson and Helen Clarke. Nicole Bowles updated members on President Lyn Lawson’s progress and members signed a card to wish her a Happy Birthday. Treasurer Sylvia Wright gave her monthly financial report and members were informed of subscriptions due. Members had the opportunity to volunteer for various tasks and add their names to any events they wished to attend.
‘Let’s talk about Incontinence’ won the vote for this year’s WI resolution. Thanks had been received from previous president Ann Pugh for her leaving card and present. Members were reminded of their involvement in the window display in WI house in Haverfordwest in May. Vice President Jane Gilbert thanked Sarah Beresford for providing the spring flowers for the meeting.
The evening concluded with refreshments and the opportunity to purchase a variety of Dilly’s chocolates.
Next month’s meeting, on April 8 at Kilgetty Community Centre, will include a talk on dentistry.