COUNCILLOR Aden Brinn from Pembroke Town Council and Chair of the Pembroke Twinning Committee recently visited Pembroke’s twin town of Bergen in Lower Saxony in Germany. 

The visit was to attend the town’s annual Schutzenfeste. During the visit a meeting was held at the Council's Rathaus in Bergen  with the Bergermeistrin, (Mayor) Claudia Dettmar-Muller to discuss forward planning for exchanges leading up to the 50th anniversary of the Town Twinning in 2027 for all organisations including our youth organisations to visit each  towns from sport to education in further promoting international friendship.

During the visit, the former mayor laid poppy wreaths on behalf of Pembroke Town Council at the Obselk, the headstone of Ann and Margot Frank who became victims of the holocaust during the Second World War at Belsen. 

A visit was also made to the British Military Cemetery at Becklingen a few miles from the town of Bergen where a poppy wreath was laid in memory of the fallen who died for the liberation of Europe during the Second World War.