AMROTH Parish Hall, Summerhill is hosting a Charity Quiz Night on Friday, March 21.
Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Entry is £2 per person, with a maximum of six players per team. Refreshments will be provided, with participants invited to bring their own ‘booze’.
The hall is home to the following regular events:
Wednesday, 1.30-2.15pm – Fitness for Mums; 6-9pm – Muay Thai Kickboxing.
Thursday, midday-4.30pm. Summerhill Sewing Circle.
Sunday, 10.30am-1.30pm – New Life Christian Fellowship.
Tuesday, 10am-midday – St Issell’s Table Tennis Club; 1-4pm – Craft Group; 6-9pm – Muay Thai Kickboxing.