COMING up at Bethesda Narberth over the coming week are a church trip, a coffee morning, a women’s evening and a timetable of services and meetings…

Wednesday, July 10, 9.30am – Church trip; meet at Hub.

Thursday, July 11, 10.30am-12 noon – Coffee Morning for the over 50s (Schoolroom), friendly and welcoming.

Friday, July 12, 7pm – Women's Evening (Schoolroom).

Services on Sunday July 14 – 10.30am Sunday School; 10.20am – Men’s Prayer Meeting (Study Room); 10.45-11.45am – Sunday Morning Sermon (Sanctuary) followed by refreshments (Schoolroom); 5.30pm – Evening Service followed by refreshments.

In the Schoolroom on Tuesday, July 16: 12.30-1.15pm – Bible Study, all welcome; 1.30-4pm – Listening Post, a popular friendly meeting, finger food and chat. 6pm – Refreshments. 7–8pm – Prayer Meeting.

“And I will pray the Father and He will give you another helper, that He may abide with you forever.” John 14.15