FIFTY people attended a recent art day at Cosheston Village Hall. This, the final village history event under the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant, took place on Saturday October 19.
At the event, the Cosheston Community History Project were proud to display the work of Cosheston School, where pupils undertook an art project facilitated by local artist Fran Evans. The display represented the Cleddau estuary and the shipbuilding which took place in the 19th century at Cantons Yard (Bank Farm) and The Chemicals (Shipwrights) near Jenkins Point, Cosheston.
Everyone present was invited to take part in an art afternoon creating a paper tile montage using old photographs and maps and of course enjoy a cup of tea and delicious Welsh cakes. These “tiles” will be collated together to create a historical banner of the village. Thanks to Jane Mason and Angela Lowder who organised the day and to many others who helped.

This project is the end of two years of hard work by the Cosheston History Group Committee which has seen the publication of a book, trails leaflet and four social events on different aspect of local history.
Cosheston History Project Chair Janet Howell said: “The project has been very successful, creating a sense of place for local residents and visitors and bringing the community together. We hope to continue our work to provide our local background to the village and sense of place for residents in the future and invite new members to join us.”