Do you want to get involved in local seagrass conservation and restoration?

Project Seagrass, together with Celtic Deep and Windswept CIC, are offering opportunities to volunteer and experience seagrass meadows.

Then on September 7, there is a family seagrass paddle and snorkel session at Dale Bay.

If you fancy getting involved with seagrass monitoring, helping to build up a better picture of seagrass health in Pembrokeshire, there are seagrass surveys taking place at Gelliswick Bay, Milford Haven on August 21 and East Angle Bay on August 22 (full training provided).

For a more family friendly activity, join a seagrass paddle session at Dale Bay on September 7 with the opportunity to snorkel amongst seagrass and see some of the amazing wildlife that seagrass supports. Register your place here: Register here – Project Seagrass (

These activities are supported by the Nature Networks Fund (delivered by the Heritage Fund, on behalf of the Welsh Government and in partnership with Natural Resources Wales) and Rebel Restoration.