Angle RNLI Lifeboat has been in action again, launching to assist four kayakers in difficulty over the August Bank Holiday, following five ‘shouts’ over the previous 10 days.

On the morning of Saturday, August 24 shortly after 9.30, the All-Weather Lifeboat was tasked to locate and assist four kayakers in difficulty between Chapel Bay and Thorn Island.

It followed a spate of call-outs, two of which were to assist in the search for individuals threatening to harm themselves by entering the water.

The Lifeboat launched and began making best speed to the area. Also responding to the call were multiple small pleasure vessels and the Port Authority Pilot Vessel ‘Skomer’. 

Once on scene, the crew discovered that one of the casualties had made it safely round to West Angle Beach, two had been recovered by a fishing vessel and the fourth casualty had climbed the cliff in an attempt to get to safety and was now stuck 30 metres up on a small island. The two casualties were taken onboard from the fishing vessel, and after assessing the location of the last casualty the crew subsequently requested air support from the Coastguard. 

Whilst awaiting the arrival of the helicopter, the crew deployed the Lifeboat’s inflatable Y boat to recover the casualty’s kayak and belongings which were in the water close inshore. Once recovered, the Y boat was brought back onboard the Lifeboat and the crew stood by, keeping eyes on the casualty on the cliff. 

Shortly afterwards, Coastguard Rescue Helicopter R187 from St Athan arrived and swiftly winched the casualty from the cliff top. The helicopter proceeded round to West Angle and landed in a nearby field to hand the casualty over to members of St Govan’s and Tenby Coastguard Rescue Teams. 

The Lifeboat then headed round to East Angle Bay and once again utilised the Y boat to transfer the other two casualties and their kayaks ashore into the care of their family and members of the Coastguard Teams. With no further assistance required, the Lifeboat returned to the jetty and was ready for further service by 12.30pm.